Birth and After-Birth

The Placenta
The Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology shows that fatigue is one of the major causes of postpartum depression. Phacentophagia helps reduces fatigue and speeds up the healing process. Some midwifes say that it can help promote the uterus to shrink back to size which prevents excessive postpartum bleeding.Another big advantage is an increase in milk production for moms consuming dehydrated placenta. There is a good amount of oxytocin, which is responsible for the milk ejection reflex known as “let down.” In 1954, researcher’s conducted a study on 210 women who were expected to have insufficient milk supply. But once given dried placenta to the women, 86% of them had a positive increase in their milk production within a matter of days.
The encapsulation process is done in two steps. First the placenta is steamed using herbs that lend their healing properties then dried. Next the placenta is ground and encapsulated and Mom can begin taking them right away for maximum postpartum benefits. From what my midwife friend has experienced, women who have taken placenta capsules report positive effects as quickly as the same afternoon.
One placenta can produce 75-200 capsules and freezing some for the menopause years is not unheard of. You only get one placenta so why not use it for the healthful benefits! For more information about Amy and her services for placenta encapsulation, please contact her at 760-521-4651.
Author: Unique Ultrasound